
React Native with Redux - For complete beginners

Well, I don't think I need to talk much about React Native here, do I?. What is Redux then? let's hear from the official redux repository. Well, Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications. It helps us to write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments and are easy to test. We can use Redux with React, React Native, or any other view library, it's a tiny 2KB library, but never judge a thing by it's size. 😎 Integrating redux for the first time in to your application can be a little messy. But believe me, once you get past the initial difficulties. I'm sure you will find it a lot easier than you thought it would be. Before getting our hands dirty with the code, let's just go through a few terms that we are gonna use a lot when working with Redux.  Actions: Actions are payloads of information that send data from your application to your store. Store can  be updated with the help of actions, means, any s...

React Native and Firebase

If you are in to mobile development, you might have heard about React Native .  With the help of React Native, you can build mobile applications for both Android and iOS with a single code base. Sounds cool huh? Without wasting much time, let's jump right into our project. In this tutorial, we will build a React Native app that uses Firebase Authentication  with email and password. For those of you wanna know more about Firebase and the different services they provide, check out there official site . I'm assuming you have some basic JavaScript or React Native experience and I've made the code as simple as possible.  So let's begin   😊 What we are gonna build In this tutorial, we are gonna be building a simple React Native app with Firebase user authentication. We will create user interfaces for app Splash screen, Sign Up screen, Login screen and finally a simple Home screen. To keep the whole application simple, I left ...