
Showing posts from January, 2015

Hacking Dr.Drive Using Root Explorer

Hi everyone,what about having infinite coins on your favourite android game Dr.Drive?.All you need to have is the game itself and a root explorer which may ask you for root permissions. ie,Your device must be rooted. Tools Needed: Root explorer (Download from  here ) Dr.Drive (Download from  here ) The game should be opened at least once before the process. Then exit the game and open Root explorer Navigate to "/Data/Data/com.ansangha.drdriving/shared_prefs" Open the file "DrDrivingActivity.xml" using any text editor Search for  "iCoin":0" Change the value "0" to the desired value of coins.This is gonna be the new value of silver coins For gold coins, Search for "iGlod":0" Change value "0" to the desired value. That's it.You are done. Then save the changes you made and exit the text editor. Delete the file "DrDrivingActivity.xml.bak" Exit the ...